
Friday, August 21, 2020

DFI - Wk #5 - Collaborate Sites

 DFI - Wk #5 - Collaborate Sites


  • Ka kitea rānei kāore rānei? Can you see it or not?
  • Is it visible to kids, teacher, can whānau access info? How can we learn from our colleagues?
  • One sign of success is when the student has the ability to read the teachers mind. I have a few students in my class that can very quickly interpret and foresee my intentions and learning objective for a lesson, to a point where they are finishing off my sentences - SUCCESS!!!
  • Visible teaching - no surprises! People have'equity'. 

  • Multi modal communication:
    • The purpose is delivering a communication directly to another person
    • This can be done using multiple modes:
      • Smoke signals > pigeon post> letter > airmail > email > telegram > fax > text > snapchat > facebook live streaming, facetime etc 
      • All these modes work!
        • Some are more efficient.
        • Some get the message across in more depth
        • Some get the message across more quickly
        • The recipient may have preferred modes eg Granny might prefer a letter or Facetime, and refuse Snapchat!

  • The concept of multi modal learning is tied to four high priority principles in the Manaiakalani programme - and it is worth taking time to connect with this before we begin creating Sites for learning. These are:
    • Engagement

    • Empowerment

    • Acceleration

    • Personalised learning

  • The homepage of my Classroom Site needs to be dynamic, accomodate all learners, hook the students straight away with an array of colour, pictures, exciting links that will engage my students straight away.
  • My home page needs to look busy that is user friendly and easily accessible to students, teachers and whānau.

  • Tino pai ana ki a au ngā kōrero a Vicki e pā ana ki ngā paetukutuku Kūkara, ahakoa kua waia kē ahau me pēwhea te whakahaere i taku whārangi o te akomanga.
  • Ko tētehi akoranga nui, i mua rawa i tō tīmata ki te whakairi mahi ki tō paetukutuku, me āta whakamahere i ngā kōrero ka whakairihia, ka pēwhea hoki te takoto, te whakaatu i aua mahi.
  • Me hopu tō whārangi i te kaipānui i tāna taenga tuatahi atu ki tō whārangi, nō reira me miharo, me pīataata, me auaha!

He nui rawa ngā akoranga i te rangi nei, ko te painga atu i whai wā roa mātou ngā pouako ki te waihanga i tō mātou ake paetukutuku mō MATARIKI. Nā te mahi tahi i ea ai te whakatinanatanga o te aronga nui, arā, kia waihangatia tētehi Google Site.

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