
Friday, August 7, 2020

DFI - Wk #3

DFI - Wk #3

Kātahi rā hoki te rangi nui! Kī rawa ana taku kete i ngā tāhua kai i horahia mai ki te tēpu matihiko i te rā nei, mai i ngā kōrero taketake o Manaiakalani, ki Tiriata, ki ngā kaupapa pāpāho, tae noa ki te whakaaturanga pepeha, kua purena taku kapu!

Kāti, kia hoki ai au ki ngā mahi huhua o te rā, me uaua te tautuhi i tētehi akoranga kotahi hei whakaarotanga, hei whakahokinga mahara māku. Me pēnei pea te kōrero, tā te rangataria kai he kōrero! He nui ngā akoranga māku hei whakahoki atu ki te kura me āku tamariki. 

E rārangi iho nei ki raro nei ko ngā kaupapa akoako o te rā me ngā taipito kōrero e whakarāpopoto ana i aua kaupapa rā:

KAUPAPA #1: Manaiakalani Pedagogy
  • CREATE is all about the hook
  • Creative skills help students become better problem solvers, communicators and collaborators.
  • Expose children to creative experiences, this gives them 'the gift of a rich and memorable childhood while laying the foundation for a lifetime of creative expression'.

KAUPAPA #2: YouTube
  • Learnt about the protocols for online learning and its relation to accessing and uploading content, inparticular to YouTube.
  • Youtube is very useful for teachers to aid, assist and deliver teaching material.
  • As previously mentioned, strict safety protocols need to be adhered to and followed when teachers and students wish to access, use and upload media videos to YouTube.
  • Google Drive is the recommended alternative for learners to share videos.
  • Recommended YouTube Channel Setup:
    • Default for uploading a video will be set as unlisted
    • Videos will be shared by embedding them in a school blog or Google Site.
    • If videos have been created for assessment or appraisal purposes they can be embedded in Sites or Blogs or the link can be shared parents/colleagues via Google Drive or email.
  • We navigated around the Channel settings and Channel dashboard. 
  • Learnt how to embed and upload media files to my Blog, although this took some time and frequent questions to my mate, Makaore (poor chap).

KAUPAPA #3: Media
  • I found the media deep dive component of todays delivery to be quite full on. I take my hat off to Dorothy for the thorough and indepth knowledge regarding the various platforms of media used for learning.
  • The various platforms of media covered in this section, were:
    • Video
    • TV
    • Livestreaming
    • Film festivals
    • Green screen
    • Podcasting
  • The one thing I took away from this part, although small, was this quote, "People remember 20% of what they see, 40% of what they see and hear, but about 75% of what they see and hear and do simultaneously..." - Lindstrom, 1994.

KAUPAPA #4: Google Draw



 KAUPAPA #5: Google Slides 

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora e te tuakana,
    Nei rā aku mihi ki a koe, he rawe tēnei pohi rangitaki. Ko te painga ki a au, e kite ana i tēnei mea te mahi hanga, koia tētahi painga mā ngā ākonga. Ko ngā rauraunga te kaupapa mō te wiki tuawhā, karawhiua e hoa.
    Me ngā mihi nui
    Nā Makaore
