
Friday, August 28, 2020


Ko tētehi tino painga o te rangi nei, ko te whai wā ki te whakapaipai, ki te whakarākei i tō mātou ake paetukutuku kura. Ahakoa kei te "āhua mōhio" ahau ki te whakahaere i taku paetukutuku, he pai tonu te whakarongo ki ngā kōrero ā ngā mātanga me tō rātou mōhiotanga ki ngā ara e pai ai tā mātou whakatakoto mahi ki ngā paetukutuku.

I tirohia ētehi atu paetukutuku o ētehi kura o te motu me te arotake i ngā painga, i ngā āhuatanga hei whakapai ake i te noho o ngā mahi ka whakaaturia ki te paetukutuku. Nō muri mai, ka hoki atu ki ā mātou 'mirumiru' ki te matapaki i aua āhuatanga rā.

Muri mai i te wā whakatā, ka tonoa mātou e tō mātou kaiārahi, a Makaore, ki te hoki ki tā mātou ake paetukutuku me te whakapaipai.

Friday, August 21, 2020

DFI - Wk #5 - Collaborate Sites

 DFI - Wk #5 - Collaborate Sites


  • Ka kitea rānei kāore rānei? Can you see it or not?
  • Is it visible to kids, teacher, can whānau access info? How can we learn from our colleagues?
  • One sign of success is when the student has the ability to read the teachers mind. I have a few students in my class that can very quickly interpret and foresee my intentions and learning objective for a lesson, to a point where they are finishing off my sentences - SUCCESS!!!
  • Visible teaching - no surprises! People have'equity'. 

  • Multi modal communication:
    • The purpose is delivering a communication directly to another person
    • This can be done using multiple modes:
      • Smoke signals > pigeon post> letter > airmail > email > telegram > fax > text > snapchat > facebook live streaming, facetime etc 
      • All these modes work!
        • Some are more efficient.
        • Some get the message across in more depth
        • Some get the message across more quickly
        • The recipient may have preferred modes eg Granny might prefer a letter or Facetime, and refuse Snapchat!

  • The concept of multi modal learning is tied to four high priority principles in the Manaiakalani programme - and it is worth taking time to connect with this before we begin creating Sites for learning. These are:
    • Engagement

    • Empowerment

    • Acceleration

    • Personalised learning

  • The homepage of my Classroom Site needs to be dynamic, accomodate all learners, hook the students straight away with an array of colour, pictures, exciting links that will engage my students straight away.
  • My home page needs to look busy that is user friendly and easily accessible to students, teachers and whānau.

  • Tino pai ana ki a au ngā kōrero a Vicki e pā ana ki ngā paetukutuku Kūkara, ahakoa kua waia kē ahau me pēwhea te whakahaere i taku whārangi o te akomanga.
  • Ko tētehi akoranga nui, i mua rawa i tō tīmata ki te whakairi mahi ki tō paetukutuku, me āta whakamahere i ngā kōrero ka whakairihia, ka pēwhea hoki te takoto, te whakaatu i aua mahi.
  • Me hopu tō whārangi i te kaipānui i tāna taenga tuatahi atu ki tō whārangi, nō reira me miharo, me pīataata, me auaha!

He nui rawa ngā akoranga i te rangi nei, ko te painga atu i whai wā roa mātou ngā pouako ki te waihanga i tō mātou ake paetukutuku mō MATARIKI. Nā te mahi tahi i ea ai te whakatinanatanga o te aronga nui, arā, kia waihangatia tētehi Google Site.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Tuhituhi Māhorahora 19-08-20


Kātahi te rangi whakahirahira ko tēnei! He rangi whakahirahira i te mea e whakaahuangia ana te kura katoa me ō mātou whānau.

I te taenga mai ki te kura i te ata, ka karakia tō mātou akomanga, ā, ka rere ngā pānui me ngā whakamārama a Matua Whatu. Ka whakamārama a Matua Whatu i te wātaka o ngā reanga ka whakaahuangia.

He tikanga tā te kaitango whakaahua kia whakarārangi ngā tāngata katoa o te akomanga e ai ki tō mātu tāroa. Ka tata ki te wā kia haere atu ki Te Pikinga Poutama, ka whakarārangi a Matua i a mātou kia tū mai, ā, ka raupapa haere i a mātou anō. Kātahi ka tae mai tētehi karere kia haere atu ki te Wharekura kia whakaahuangia.

Te taenga atu ki te tomonga o Te Pikinga Poutama, ka tohua mātou e te kaitango whakaahua kia whakarārangi anō i a mātou anō, kātahi ka tonoa mātou ki ō mātou wāhi noho kia rite ki te whakaahua.

Ka miharo ahau ki ngā taputapu, ki ngā rama, ki ngā taonga a ngā kaitango whakaahua, inā hoki te nui! 

Ka whakanoho i a mātou kia noho ki ngā wāhi. He hātakēhi ngā tohutohu a te tangata rā, otirā he ngāwari rawa te reo kōrero ki a mātou. Ka rite te tū, ka tohua ia kia titiro whakamua te katoa ki a ia e mau ana i te kāmera, ā, ka kōrero mai, "Titiro mai". Mea rawa ake, ka rarapa ngā rama, ka kapohia tō mātou whakaahua.

Nō muri mai i te whakaahua o te akomanga, ka noho takitahi ki te whakaahua i ngā mea takitahi. Ā, muri iho mai ko ngā whakaahua whānau.

He rawe ngā whakaahua, ā, e hīkaka ana te ngākau kia kitea te hua o ngā mahi a te mutunga o tēnei wāhanga a te wā ka tae mai ngā whakaahua.



Friday, August 14, 2020

DFI - Wk #4 - Dealing with data



Ko te tino aronga o ngā kōrero i te rā nei, he whakaatu i ngā kohinga raraunga. E rua pea ngā tino taupānga kūkara i kōrerotia, i whakamahia, arā ko te Google Forms me te Google Spreadsheets. 

Connecting with Manaiakalani - SHARE:

  • Kōrerotia ai a Dorothy i te wāhanga o te TOHATOHA
  • Share with a purpose; know your audience and who you're writing for. 
  • E whakaaro tonu ana ahau ka pēwhea taku whakamahi, te whakatinana i ngā akoranga me taku māramatanga ki te hītoria o Manaiakalani.
  • Ka pēwhea taku ako, taku waihanga, taku toha i ngā mōhiohio, i ngā akoranga ki aku tamariki i te kura.

Kaupapa #1: Google Forms (Vicki)

  • Ka tau kē ngā kōrero a Vicki e rāweke ai i tēnei taupānga. Ahakoa kua whai wā kē ahau ki te waihanga i tētehi Google Form i ngā tau o mua, ehara i te mea e taunga ana taku mōhio ki ngā āhuatanga katoa o te Google Forms, kei te ako tonu ahau. Heoi anō, ko ngā kōrero hou i mau i a ahau, he mea āwhina.

Kaupapa #2: Google My Maps (Maria)

  • Customisable collobarative maps allow the user to track or plan journeys, measure distances and add place markers. This is particularly good with my kids if I wish to mark out the marae that my students are from on a map and they can see where in Aotearoa their marae are and their respective rohe.

Kaupapa #3: Google Sheets 101 (Vicki)

  • Google Sheets is great for displaying data
  • I learnt how to use a formula to work out a SUM of data I collected and the formula automatically works out the problem for me.
  • This is helpful for me working through my budget with my partner at home and my personal banking.

Kaupapa #5:

Friday, August 7, 2020

DFI - Wk #3

DFI - Wk #3

Kātahi rā hoki te rangi nui! Kī rawa ana taku kete i ngā tāhua kai i horahia mai ki te tēpu matihiko i te rā nei, mai i ngā kōrero taketake o Manaiakalani, ki Tiriata, ki ngā kaupapa pāpāho, tae noa ki te whakaaturanga pepeha, kua purena taku kapu!

Kāti, kia hoki ai au ki ngā mahi huhua o te rā, me uaua te tautuhi i tētehi akoranga kotahi hei whakaarotanga, hei whakahokinga mahara māku. Me pēnei pea te kōrero, tā te rangataria kai he kōrero! He nui ngā akoranga māku hei whakahoki atu ki te kura me āku tamariki. 

E rārangi iho nei ki raro nei ko ngā kaupapa akoako o te rā me ngā taipito kōrero e whakarāpopoto ana i aua kaupapa rā:

KAUPAPA #1: Manaiakalani Pedagogy
  • CREATE is all about the hook
  • Creative skills help students become better problem solvers, communicators and collaborators.
  • Expose children to creative experiences, this gives them 'the gift of a rich and memorable childhood while laying the foundation for a lifetime of creative expression'.

KAUPAPA #2: YouTube
  • Learnt about the protocols for online learning and its relation to accessing and uploading content, inparticular to YouTube.
  • Youtube is very useful for teachers to aid, assist and deliver teaching material.
  • As previously mentioned, strict safety protocols need to be adhered to and followed when teachers and students wish to access, use and upload media videos to YouTube.
  • Google Drive is the recommended alternative for learners to share videos.
  • Recommended YouTube Channel Setup:
    • Default for uploading a video will be set as unlisted
    • Videos will be shared by embedding them in a school blog or Google Site.
    • If videos have been created for assessment or appraisal purposes they can be embedded in Sites or Blogs or the link can be shared parents/colleagues via Google Drive or email.
  • We navigated around the Channel settings and Channel dashboard. 
  • Learnt how to embed and upload media files to my Blog, although this took some time and frequent questions to my mate, Makaore (poor chap).

KAUPAPA #3: Media
  • I found the media deep dive component of todays delivery to be quite full on. I take my hat off to Dorothy for the thorough and indepth knowledge regarding the various platforms of media used for learning.
  • The various platforms of media covered in this section, were:
    • Video
    • TV
    • Livestreaming
    • Film festivals
    • Green screen
    • Podcasting
  • The one thing I took away from this part, although small, was this quote, "People remember 20% of what they see, 40% of what they see and hear, but about 75% of what they see and hear and do simultaneously..." - Lindstrom, 1994.

KAUPAPA #4: Google Draw



 KAUPAPA #5: Google Slides 

Rengarenga pāua