
Friday, July 31, 2020

DFI - Wk #2

DFI - WK #2

  • The Manaiakalani Programme:
    • AKO - 

      AKO describes a teaching and learning relationship, where the educator is also learning from the student and where educators' practices are informed by the latest research and are both deliberate and reflective. ... 
      In te ao Māori, the concept of ako means both to teach and to learn.

    • HANGA - Creativity empowers learning. Digital technologies empower creativity
    • TOHATOHA - Connected learners share. Positive, thoughtful, helpful.
  • What does LEARN look like at your kura?
  • Amplify Effective Practice:
    • For teachers, harnessing technology to amplify effective practice has TWO sides to it:
      • Giving
      • Getting
  • Google Meet:
    • Google Meet has a variet of useful purposes
    • How to get in to MEET?
      • Gmail
      • Calender
      • Hyperlink
    • Google Meet etiquette:
      • Group calling 

        When group calling the screen will change to whoever is speaking (or making noise) therefore be careful not to click your pen?


        Not absolutely necessary BUT recommended as they reduce the amount of feedback and therefore improve sound quality

        Laptop Sharing

        Don’t share. Use your own. Meets are designed for 1:1. Not suitable for 2-3 people trying to use the same camera or microphone. 

        Same room, own laptop 

        Sitting in the same room on a Meet is not what it is designed for. If this happens make sure you press the “Mute” button when you aren’t talking to reduce the amount of feedback interference.

        Same room, one laptop 

        This is a last resort option. Sit well back from the screen. Use external microphone in centre of group. Ensure all can be seen.

  • Gmail:
    • Learnt how to organize my email and select the desired layout of my email background
    • Navigated my way around the SETTINGS for a particulr view and layout
    • Installed a work signature for the end of my emails
    • Useful tip:
      • Undo Send
  • Google Keep:
    • This was new to me. Prior to the delivery of this I was unaware of what Google Keep is and what it is used for.
    • A good way to jot down ideas, even OTJ's (overall teacher judgements) when observing my students.
    • There is a bit of navigating around which I found a little off-putting.
  • Google Calender:
    • Already had an idea of working with Google Calender and planning and scheduling events.
    • Some useful tips for Calender:
      • Shortcuts
  • Blogging and embedding videos:
    • I still require assistance with uploading and embedding videos or other forms of media outlets to my Blog site. I'll ask Makaore and my other co-horts in my digital bubble to assist me.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Friday, July 24, 2020

DFI - Wk #1


  1. What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?
    • Utilizing technology to help further students engagement and learning.
    • Have come a long way since the inception of blended learning and the Manaiakalani origins back in 2005. Considering the primitive technological equipment and software we were using back then to what we have today, the advancement of technology has developed, along with students learning.
    • I learnt that the main goal is to support our children who have been learning in a digital learning environment so they can continue learning while our new teachers get up to speed.
  2. What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?
    • I found the Eyes on Text and voice type activity really helpful and insightful. I hope to utilize this new found knowledge in my classroom with my students.
  3. What did I learn that could be used with my learners?
    • As mentioned above
  4. What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?
    • Utilize the Blog to reflect and self evaluate my week.